Illustration by Dixie-Rose Kitchen (aka Zoe), age 6

Illustration by Dixie-Rose Kitchen (aka Zoe), age 6

Mali was a brown dog
A strong dog
A chocolate dog
They sometimes called him Danger
And he owned a man called Rob

They sometimes called him Battle Dog
But only on a Wednesday
Cos Wednesday was a hunt day
Down at Sopley Farm and Bog

He walked Rob in the countryside
And often through the daisies
If pumpkins were in season
Then he’d walk him through them too

The man preferred the beetroot
And the dog preferred the barley
The berries were the best route,
The sweetest fruit,
Said Mali

Danger was a handsome dog
A trusty dog
A kind dog
His eyes were big as pasties
And cut through the thickest fog

His ears smelt of treacle pies
His legs moved seamless through the rye
Rob was just a simple guy
But Mali didn’t mind

Early in the morning
When Rob was tucked up sleeping
Mali went exploring
Down by the apple trees

He’d pick the ripest coxes
And paw them into boxes
Then trot along the copses
With apples for his tea

That’s all we know of Mali
The kind dog
Danger dog
Whose heart was soft as bottled milk
And coat was spun like chocolate silk